The Cross-Industry Initiative (CII), with the Lead REACH Consortium as a member, has just launched three new position papers which strengthen their stance on using workplace-specific legislation as the most targeted, effective and proportionate approach to manage risks caused by chemicals. The three papers are:

  • Synergies between REACH and workplace legislation: Improved analysis of alternatives and substitution
    In this paper, the CII, supported by examples of substitution efforts, illustrates that successful substitution starts with stimulating the engagement in and documentation of Analysis of Alternatives efforts. 
  • CII background paper on workplace exposure limits 
    In this paper, the CII discusses the different exposure values applicable at the workplace, their legal background and their relevance in occupational risk management.
  • CII background paper on Restrictions 
    In this paper, the CII recognizes that Restrictions can be a useful risk management option and could complement occupational safety and health regulation for chemicals in certain cases, provided certain conditions, listed in the paper, are fulfilled.

The Cross-Industry Initiative was set up as a loose coalition aimed at streamlining chemicals management. It currently comprises over 50 organisations: sectoral associations at EU and national level, as well as companies.

CII has warned against the unintended consequences of duplicating legislation, it believes for instance that adding Candidate Listing and REACH Authorisation will not improve workers’ protection and may instead have a negative impact on, or even prevent, the achievement of key environmental and other policy objectives.
