About the Consortium
The Lead REACH Consortium was initially set up in 2008 to help companies meet their REACH obligations for lead metal, lead chloride, and ten lead compounds covered by the Voluntary Risk Assessment for Lead (VRAL). A number of complex substances and intermediates are now also under the remit of the Consortium.
The Consortium aims to:
Assist the lead industry in anticipating and meeting REACH obligations
Provide cost-efficient management in the implementation of REACH
Facilitate information exchange with downstream users
The Consortium has overseen the successful registration of the 26 substances under its remit. All Lead Registrants successfully submitted their dossiers before the 30 November 2010 deadline. Now, the Consortium continues to maintain the dossiers of its substances, periodically reviewing for new information relevant to registration, updating and improving its dossiers where required.
The Pb REACH Consortium is a participant in MISA (the Metals and Inorganics Sectoral Approach), a cooperative programme set up by ECHA and Eurometaux, the European non-ferrous metals association. The Consortium is also an active member of a range of REACH-related Eurometaux taskforces.
The Consortium is committed to producing generic, REACH-format SDS templates for use by its members; the latest versions are available in the Members’ section of the website.
Governance: how we work
The Consortium’s activities are conducted within the framework of a Consortium legal agreement; they are directed by a Steering Committee, and carried out under agreement with a General Assembly consisting of one representative from each Consortium member company.
The Steering Committee and the General Assembly each meet twice a year. The dates of forthcoming meetings are shown on the Homepage and in the Members section of the website. Consortium members can also find papers, agendas and minutes of previous meetings in the Members section.