Lead compounds are essential for battery manufacturing and should be exempt from authorisation, says industry

The lead battery industry has urged the European Commission to use its discretion to grant an Article 58(2) exemption from REACH authorisation for use of lead compounds in battery manufacturing. Four lead compounds – lead monoxide, lead tetroxide, pentalead tetraoxide sulphate and tetralead trioxide sulphate have been proposed for inclusion on the REACH 7th priority […]

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2024 REACH General Assembly meetings

The next meeting of the Pb REACH Consortium General Assembly will take place on 12 June 2024, from 10h to 15h CEST. The meeting is scheduled to take place in person, in Brussels. An agenda has been issued to members, but please contact the Secretariat if you have any questions. The Winter 2024 General Assembly […]

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Lisa Allen joins ILA as REACH Consortium Manager

Lisa Allen has been appointed as the new Lead REACH Consortium Manager. In her role at the International Lead Association she will be responsible for the overall management of the Lead REACH Consortium and will also work directly on a range of REACH technical issues. Lisa, who has replaced the previous Consortium Manager, Aggie Kotze, […]

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ILA sets out the sustainability credentials of lead in article for prestigious international journal

Lead-based batteries can be a part of the solution to the sustainability challenges society faces, according to the International Lead Association (ILA). In a paper in the current issue of the prestigious International Journal of Metallurgy, ILA sets out the benefits and environmental sustainability credentials that lead and lead batteries bring to society. Lead-based batteries, […]

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Industry coalition recommends better regulation for chemicals management to boost EU competitiveness

The EU Commission has been asked to reconsider how effective the REACH Authorisation process is for the management of a range of chemical substances that are vital to the future economic competitiveness of European industry. A coalition of 31 European and international associations, including the International Lead Association and the car-making, pharmaceuticals and metals industries, […]

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