Consortium Members are all legal entities involved in the manufacture or import into the EU/EEA of our substances and seeking to fulfill their obligations under the REACH Regulation, having signed the Consortium Agreement and paid the relevant fees.
Downstream users, trade associations, and other relevant legal persons may from time to time be admitted to Associate Membership by the Consortium’s Steering Committee. Associate Members may attend the Consortium’s General Assembly meetings, but they are not deemed full “Consortium Members” and do not have voting rights.
The current Consortium Members and Associate Members are listed below.
Consortium Members
Akdeniz Chemson
Anton Schneider Sohne GmbH
Aurubis AG
Aurubis Beerse nv
Azor Ambiental SA
BAE Batterien GmbH
Baerlocher GmbH
Banner GmbH
Boliden Bergsoe AB
Boliden Mineral
Britannia Refined Metals
Campine Recycling NV
Clarios Ceska Lipa spol. S.r.o
Clarios Iberia P&D S.L.
Clarios Memesa
Clarios Recycling GmbH
Clarios VARTA Hannover GmbH
Clarios Zwickau GmbH & Co KG
Colorobbia Italia spa
COPLOSA, Sociedad Anonima
Derichebourg España SAU
ECOBAT Resources Austria – BMG Metall und Recycling GmbH
ECOBAT Resources Braubach GmbH
ECOBAT Resources Freiberg GmbH
ECOBAT Resources Pont Sainte Maxence SAS
ECOBAT Resources Italy
ECOBAT Resources UK Ltd
Ecometal Ltd
EnerSys Newport
EnerSys SARL
EnerSys Sp. zoo
Exide Technologies GmbH (Deutsche Exide)
Exide Technologies Lda (SPAT)
Exide Technologies Recycling SL (Oxivolt)
Exide Technologies Recycling II Lda (Sonalur)
Exide Technologies SA (Centra)
Exide Technologies SA (Tudor)
Exide Technologies SAS (CEAC)
Exide Technologies Srl (Exide Italia)
Fenix Metals Sp. z o.o.
FIAMM Energy Technology S.p.A
Glencore Import BV
Glencore International Import BV
GS Yuasa Battery Manufacturing UK Ltd
Hoppecke Batterien GmbH & Co KG
Huta Cynku “Miasteczko Slaskie”
Jenox Akumulatory Sp. z o.o.
KCM 2000 SA
KGHM Polska Miedz SA
Kovohute Pribram Nastupnicka a.s
Le Plomb Francais Sarl
Metal Processors Limited
Midac S.p.A.
ML Operations Ltd
Monbat Recycling EAD
MPI Reciklaza d.o.o
Nordenham Metall GmbH
Nyrstar Stolberg GmbH
Penox GmbH
Piombifera Italiana S.p.a.
Piomboleghe Srl
Portovesme Srl
PPUH Autopart Jacek BAK Sp z o.o
SC Rombat SA
S.I.A.P. Sp. z.o.o
Systems Sunlight SA
TAB dd
Teck Resources Ltd
Traxys Europe SA
Vipiemme SpA
Vital Materials Belgium SA
Wilhelm Grillo Handelsgesellschaft mbH
Zap Sznajder Batterien s.a
ZM Silesia SA – Grupa Impexmetal
Associate Members
Association of European Manufacturers of Sporting Ammunition (AFEMS)